Thursday, September 23, 2010

Should Amnesty be given to the South?

Amnesty. It is defined as "giving forgiveness", so I believe that the south should receive Amnesty. The proclamation does not say "who" would, or could, be given the forgiveness. Although they were against the reconstruction, everyone should have an equal right towards the proclamation. If they are forgiven, it gives them a open door way to start fresh and new.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Blog 4

Due- 9/10

Stereotypes are used and known by so many people because we cant find all the information we would want to know about EVERYONE. So, we create ways to think of each group by what we have seen in our lives, not on how they live their own lives. It effects us because we then look at someone from some group, we automatically think of what we have seen. For example, what is going on today with the Qurans. People in the US want to believe that all Muslims are terrorist, all because of 9/11. That is obviously wrong. We dont know every Muslim in the world, but they are not all terrorist, so we shouldn't treat them with that lack of respect.

Blog 3

Due- 9/10

When Thoreau said, "the government is best which governs least", I automatically thought he was implying that when they have less control over everything, they have an easier way to have control. If they have less responsibility, they can focus more on what little they govern. When they focus on each topic more precisely, more efficient work can be done.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Blog 2

Due- 09/03

Countries should not leave the negative parts out of our learning. We learn about all of the negative topics in every other county, why should we get the exception? The United States of America is free and amazing, but if we cant know about the bad things as well, it would be a lie to tell us we are the perfect country. We can learn from the falls and how they rebuilt it to what we are today. It would be another lesson to teach during school about the truth of our county, and why where we live is what it is.

Blog 1

Due- 09/03

History should matter to everyone for many reasons. Without it we would not have the knowledge we do today.
It is the foundation to what our lives are today. History explains how we are living today. We know why we can all be together for the good reasons, but also tells us how we werent aloud together in the past. Segregation is the part of history how we all know that we could not be together at one point, but thankfully it has changed and we are all one.